My Favorite Yoga Things - The Top 4 Essentials

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My favorite yoga things!  I've been looking forward to writing this post because when you start any new exercise regime, it's fun to buy new gear.  Let's start with the essentials.

Yoga Essentials

1. Yoga Mat

When I first started practicing yoga, I used an exercise mat I already owned and the importance of a good mat was lost on me.  About two years into my practice, I decided to try a Lululemon mat and never looked back.  My grip was better during poses and I don't need a mat towel unless I'm taking a very hot class.  There are so many good mats to choose from - including this Manduka mat below.  If you want a detailed review of other mats, check out this Best Yoga Mat review article by  The review interviewed 30 experts and tested 16 yoga mats for things like support, grip and portability.

2. Props

Many yogis see props as a crutch and only needed if you are not "good" at yoga.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  Blocks and straps can help you go deeper into a pose and are perfect for supporting new poses.  Remember, wherever you are in your practice is where you should be.  Own it.  Props will help!

3. Towels

If you plan to practice Bikram or take any type of hot yoga class, you might consider a mat towel.  You will get very sweaty in these classes which can make your mat very slippery.  A mat towel should cover your mat and have some sort of non-slip bottom so it stays in place during your practice.  Hand towels are also essential for any class.  

Yoga Mat Towel

Yoga Hand Towel

4. Water Bottle

As with any exercise, it’s important to stay hydrated!  This is especially important during a hot yoga class.  I love this Contigo stainless steel water bottle.  With just a push of a button you can take a quick drink during class without making noise and it reseals when the button is released.

Contigo Water Bottle

Those are my favorite yoga essentials!  Stay tuned for the really fun stuff - my favorite yoga clothes!